
Here we collect code to create Lightworks.fx effects.

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Remote control of effects settings.

Usage: Texture output (and input) to pass a scalar values etc to other effects in the routing.

Note that the codes were developed at a time when the effects typically only output 8-bit RGBA values. With Lightworks 14.5, higher precision can also be set.

Channel definitions


  • Red and green color channel: Coded value to increase precision.
     float green = frac(original_value * 255.0);
     float red   = original_value - green / 255.0;
  • Blue color channel: Status information
  • Alpha channel: Uncoded original value (precision according to the GPU precision setting)

  • Position of the RGBA signal in the texture: Depends on the remote control channel.


Test effect to test the precision of transmission of coded values.